Take away and Delivery services in Basel

Click on the links to order

800° Steakhouse          Steaks and more del by Velogourmet.ch, Phone  0800 232 637

Asian Food Express                  Home delivery, Gundeldingen, Phone +41 61 333 31 31

B.GOOD           Healthy Burgers and bowls del by Velogourmet.ch, Phone  0800 232 637

Bachmann                        bakery cuisine del by Velogourmet.ch, Phone  0800 232 637

Beschle                            bakery cuisine del by Velogourmet.ch, Phone  0800 232 637

Bayleaf                                   Indian food del by  Velogourmet.ch, Phone  0800 232 637

Biryani Haus                          Indian food del by  Velogourmet.ch, Phone  0800 232 637

Bistrot Crescenda                 Intnl cuisine, near Schützenhaus, Phone +41 61 271 84 84

Buongusto Gelato  100% natural ice cream del by Velogourmet.ch, Phone  0800 232 637

BrezelKönig                                  Brezels del by Velogourmet.ch, Phone  0800 232 637

Confisiserie Bachmann     bakery cuisine del by Velogourmet.ch, Phone  0800 232 637

Damas                               Syrian cuisine del by Velogourmet.ch, Phone  0800 232 637

Dieci Pizza Kurier                                  Home delivery, Basel area, Phone 0800 81 10 10

Domino’s Pizza                           Delivery service, Burgfelderplatz, Phone 0844 12 12 12

Ephesus                                 Turkish food del by Velogourmet.ch, Phone  0800 232 637

Fujin Sushi Bar                  Japanese Sushi del by  Velogourmet.ch, Phone  0800 232 637

Gourmandise Divine           Swiss food del by  Velogourmet.ch, Phone  0800 232 637

Hitzberger                           Organic food del by  Velogourmet.ch, Phone  0800 232 637

Khaw Gäng                       Thai cuisine, near Novartis Campus, Phone +41 61 273 37 37

Knock on wood    Vietnamese food del by  Velogourmet.ch, Phone  0800 232 637

La Manufacture        Sandwiches, and Bagels del by Velogourmet.ch, Phone  0800 232 637

Lilys Maxim                            Thai food,  del by  Velogourmet.ch, Phone  0800 232 637

Maxi Pizza                                  Delivery service, Luzernerring, Phone +41 61 321 41 42

MANDIR                                Indian food del by  Velogourmet.ch, Phone  0800 232 637

Minamoto                   Japanese food del by  Velogourmet.ch, Phone  0800 232 637

Monot                                           Lebanese cuisine, Binningen, Phone +41 61 421 02 40

Mrs Burger                    Burger deliveries del by  Velogourmet.ch Phone  0800 232 637

Namamen                   Japanese food del by  Velogourmet.ch, Phone  0800 232 637

Negishi Sushi Bar                     Sushi bar, del by  Velogourmet.ch, Phone  0800 232 637

Nooch noodles & more  Asian noodles, del by  Velogourmet.ch, Phone  0800 232 637

Noohn                                   Sushi Cusine, del by  Velogourmet.ch, Phone  0800 232 637

Oishii Sushi                          Sushi Cusine, del by  Velogourmet.ch, Phone  0800 232 637

Pinar                                    Oriental food del by  Velogourmet.ch, Phone  0800 232 637

Pizza Taxi                                                     Home delivery, Gundeli, Phone 0844 654 321

Pizzeria Domino                   Italian cuisine, Bäumlihofstrasse, Phone +41 61 601 42 66

Pizzeria Feldschlössli                        Italian cuisine, Birsfelden, Phone +41 61 313 39 40

Pizzeria Ristorante Cedro               Italian cuisine, Dorenbach, Phone +41 61 301 15 71

Pizzeria Roma                        Italian food del by  Velogourmet.ch, Phone  0800 232 637

Pizzeria Sonneck                                   Pizza & pasta, Allschwil, Phone +41 61 481 13 80

Rebstock                                     Traditional cuisine, Pfeffingen, Phone +41 61 751 41 10

Restauran Aroma                    Italian food del by Velogourmet.ch, Phone  0800 232 637

Restaurant Dorenbach              Italian cuisine, outer city ring, Phone +41 61 301 26 31

Restaurant Mandarin        Cantonese cuisine, Gundeldingen, Phone +41 61 361 38 65

Rheinfelderhof                    Swiss food del by  Velogourmet.ch, Phone  0800 232 637

Roma                                       Italian food del by Velogourmet.ch, Phone  0800 232 637

Oriental Express                Afro-oriental, Margarethenstrasse, Phone +41 61 333 04 33

Ristorante Rome                    Italian food del by Velogourmet.ch, Phone  0800 232 637

Restaurant Za Zaa         Oriental cuisine, near the University, Phone + 41 76 384 30 03

Sam’s Pizza Land                     American Pizza, near Claraplatz, Phone +41 61 693 07 90

Spiga Ristorate                       Italian food del by  Velogourmet.ch, Phone  0800 232 637

Stadtimkerei                      Quality Honey del by  Velogourmet.ch, Phone  0800 232 637

Subway                 Speciality Bagels food del by  Velogourmet.ch, Phone  0800 232 637

Tacoteca                             Mexican food del by  Velogourmet.ch, Phone  0800 232 637

The Kitchen Focacceria          Italian food del by  Velogourmet.ch, Phone  0800 232 637

Tuk Tuk                                   Thai food,  del by  Velogourmet.ch, Phone  0800 232 637

Xiao Lu’s                             Chinese food del by  Velogourmet.ch, Phone  0800 232 637

Yoko Sushi Bar                Japanese Sushi del by  Velogourmet.ch, Phone  0800 232 637

Yooji’s                               Japanese Sushi del by  Velogourmet.ch, Phone  0800 232 637




Basel in English